Bliss Physics is the yoga of embodied wisdom. Our lovely bodies are the vehicles through which we experience life, and our curious minds have led to where we are today. It’s important that we take care of them. This is where yoga comes in. Yoga can give us a direct experience of who we really are and allow our authenticity to shine.
Bliss Physics is also the yoga of joy. There is a vulnerable, sweetly tender energy that resides inside all of us. Sometimes we cover this up. Yoga helps us discover the joy of being free - that no matter what the outside circumstances, we can liberate ourselves from who we think we should be, to who we truly are. We practise yoga so as to remind ourselves of something we all too regularly forget – that we’re already here!

Hi, I’m Neriman
For most, yoga is someone doing flexy things with a bendy body. I can do a reasonable middle-aged version of this, but asana (postures) is but one aspect of yoga that I share in my classes, workshops and intensives.
For me yoga is both a practice – something you can ‘do’ – and also a 24/7 way of experiencing life. Yoga is walking, talking and eating hot chips with present moment awareness and connection to the divine reality that we are all deeply connected to one another.
Scientists have been revealing aspects of who we are for the longest time: we humans are all made of energy. And when we eat, sleep, exercise and work this energy is in constant flux, increasing, decreasing and transforming as we go about our daily lives. In yoga we work with our bodies, breath and mind, to increase, shift and transform this energy - and ultimately have an experience of our individual ‘self energy’ merging with the universe’s collective energy common to everything in each and every moment. This universal energy is truth and consciousness and bliss – the witness of all that is.
I have had the honour of studying Advanced Yoga Nidra teacher training with Yogeshwari Kamini Desai PhD and John Vosler, Yoga Therapy Body Psychology Training with Yogeshwari Kamini Desai Phd, and Purna Yoga teacher training with John Oliver. I have also benefited deeply from the teachings of Gurudev Yogi Amrit Desai and Jacqui Bohuslav-Andrews, and am indebted to the scholarship and teachings of Kavitha Chinnaiyan MD, Shambhavi Saraswati and Dr Christopher Wallis. I pay respect to all of my teachers and their teacher’s teachers.
Yoga Classes
Term 1: 29 Jan - 6 Apr (10 weeks)
Venue: Over The Moon Yoga Studios, Templeton St Castlemaine
For the early birds: an hour of blissful asana, pranayama and relaxation in moment to moment awareness. All adults welcome. Joy encouraged.
TERM 1: 29 Jan - 2 Apr (10 weeks)
$225/$204 conc Term booking only
For the early birds: an hour of blissful asana, pranayama and relaxation in moment to moment awareness. All adults welcome. Joy encouraged.
TERM 1: 1 Feb - 5 Apr (10 weeks)
$225/$204 conc Term booking only
SuNDAY MorNING YoGA - 2 classes
Good-natured, warm-hearted yoga classes incorporating asana, pranayama and relaxation for adult community members of all abilities and experiences.
TERM 1: 2 Feb - 6 Apr (10 weeks)
$225/$204 conc Term booking only
YoGA NIDrA one-off classes 2024/2025
Sunday 15 Dec 4-5pm
Sunday 16 Feb 4-5pm
Sunday 2 Mar 4-5pm
Sunday 23 Mar 4-5pm
$26/24 conc
If you’re curious about yoga but have never tried it before, I offer one on one classes online, at your home or at my studio room in Campbell’s Creek. You will have the opportunity to learn basic, key postures in a supportive environment where the emphasis is on comfort, slow and steady progress, and enjoyment. Classes are tailored to your level of capacity and ability. Cost is $110/90 conc per hour.
Seeking to address a particular challenge in your life or hoping to explore a new opportunity via the body-mind? I offer one on one private yoga nidra-focused sessions where together we work with a combination of asana, pranayama, meditation and yoga nidra to rest, energise and transform energy and focus. These classes are $110/90 conc per hour and can be held either online, at your home or from my studio room in Campbells Creek. For more information contact neriman@blissphysics.com.au
Yoga Nidra is a sleep-based yoga practice which uses a series of body, mind and breath techniques to bring about deep levels of relaxation that can support profound stillness and peace of mind. I am an advanced facilitator of The Integrative Amrit Method of Yoga Nidra. I regularly lead classes in this profound practice which has great capacity to reduce both stress and improve general health.
As we progressively relax we move from beta to alpha and deeper brainwave states. Students emerge from the practice (usually experienced lying down – though you can sit in a chair if this is more comfortable), feeling relaxed and refreshed – and quite often profoundly centred.
For our classes we begin by practising very gentle asanas (postures) before settling into long and deep relaxation. No experience necessary – Yoga Nidra is a guided practice designed to deeply restore the body and mind.
Yoga Nidra one-off CLASSES 2024/25
Sunday 15 Dec 4-5pm
Sunday 16 Feb 4-5pm
Sunday 2 Mar 4-5pm
Sunday 23 Mar 4-5pm
$26/24 conc
Venue: Over The Moon Yoga Studios, Templeton St Castlemaine
Seeking to address a particular challenge in your life or hoping to explore a new opportunity via the body-mind? I offer one on one private yoga nidra-focused sessions where together we work with a combination of asana, pranayama, meditation and yoga nidra to rest, energise and transform energy and focus. These classes are $110/90 conc per hour and can be held either online, at your home or from my studio room in Campbells Creek.
The Integrative Amrit Method of Yoga Nidra is a distillation of yogic knowledge taught by master of Kundalini Yoga, Swami Kripalu, to Yogi Amrit Desai. Yogi Amrit Desai has since innovated the practice, maintaining its eastern roots while being accessible and relevant to the western psyche. Yogi Desai’s daughter, Yogeshwari Kamini Desai Phd, is my primary teacher.

EArLY MoRNING YoGA intensive - 30 dec-3 jan (full) & 7-11 Apr (spots available)
These weeks of early morning yoga classes occur during the April, September and Christmas/New Year school holidays. Join me for five, consecutive early mornings of asana, meditation, philosophy, pranayama and yoga nidra. These intensives work to uplift, encourage, strengthen and still the body/mind as we build up our practice over the week. All abilities welcome. They are a wonderful way to build up your practice over the holiday period.
$135/$120 conc
Sign-up to receive Term updates and news of workshops and retreats.
Alternatively, to book classes, or for any enquiries, I may be contacted via:
mob: 0409 939 799